Request for Proposal on Security Patrols
Lake Bullard Neighborhood Improvement District
5469 Stillwater Drive
New Orleans, LA 70128
(504) 905-5721
Email: Website:
The Lake Bullard Neighborhood Improvement District is bounded by Lake Forest Blvd., Bullard Ave., Midpoint Dr., and the Berg Canal, in eastern New Orleans. Security and beautification of the Lake Bullard subdivision are provided by the Lake Bullard Neighborhood Improvement District. The District includes the following streets:
Asphodel Dr (between Bullard and Berg Canal)
Beaver Dr (between Fernley and Midpoint)
Bullard Ave (between Lake Forest and Dwyer)
Fernley Dr (between Bullard and Berg Canal)
Lake Forest Blvd (between Bullard and Berg Canal)
McKendall Place (between Dwyer and Midpoint)
Midpoint Dr (between Bullard and Berg Canal)
Notaway Ln (between Bullard and Berg Canal)
Stillwater Dr (between Lake Forest and Fernley)
Waverly Dr (between Bullard and Berg Canal)
Winrock Dr (between Bullard and Berg Canal)
The District is seeking proposals for providing Security Patrols on the streets listed above. The proposal period will end on March 1, 2019. All proposals and any questions regarding this proposal should be directed to the contact information listed above.
Work Required
Provide daily patrols, Sunday through Saturday
Provide weekly written reports of suspicious individuals or activity
Attend board meetings to provide a verbal security report
Patrol in vehicles that are visibly identifiable as patrol vehicles; including banners on side of vehicle or flashing blue lights
Notify the Lake Bullard Neighborhood Improvement District in writing of any changes in schedule within two days of schedule change. Failure to do so may result of termination of contract
Keep patrol schedules confidential
Refrain from discussing administrative and personnel issues with residents
Maintain a phone number to receive complaints/reports of suspicious activity from residents
Contract Period
This contract will end one year from commencement of contract.
Other Requirements
Registered and in good standing with the State of Louisiana
Licensed, bonded and insured
No pending complaints
Provide 3 commercial references
At least a 35% DBE component
Member of the Better Business Bureau
Please include an hourly rate in your response. The selection will be based upon price, experience, professional standing and references.
Security Patrol Provider Comments (use additional pages if necessary)
Revised January 5, 2019 Lake Bullard Neighborhood Improvement District Landscape Request for Security Patrol Proposal, page 2